YouTuber James Charles quickly addressed a viral video accusing him of sending sexually explicit photos and messages to an underage fan today. In two TikToks, which were shared on Twitter Friday afternoon, a young man going by Isaiyah (@redzai on TikTok) claims James Charles sent him unsolicited nudes on Snapchat and pressured him into sexting even after being told Isaiyah was 16. In a statement posted later Friday afternoon, Charles calls the story “completely false.” He says last week, he saw a photo of Isaiyah on his Explore page and added him on Snapchat when he realized they were mutuals. Charles says he “woke up to several snaps from this person being excited I added him back, saying he loved me, and also lewd photos of himself in the shower.” “I asked how old he was right away and he told me he was 18 so I started flirting back,” the 21-year-old continued. “In the excitement of meeting someone I thought could be potentially great, I didn’t ask for a copy of his ID or passport.” When he later admitted he was 16, Charles said Isaiyah “insisted on continuing talking,” at which point Charles “un-friended” him.
James Charles has been accused of sending unsolicited nudes to and pressuring straight men multiple times, beginning with Tati Westbrook’s infamous “Bye Sister” video. As recently as January, a straight man came forward with similar allegations. “You are so weird for this,” Charles commented on the since-deleted TikTok at the time. “An ‘exposé’ video because you’re mad I un-friended you after months of not talking after you told me you were straight … okay.” Going forward from this latest incident, Charles says he will be asking for formal identification before having “a conversation” with a guy.