Last we heard about the In the Heights film, the adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 2005 Broadway musical, it was delayed by a full year due to (what else?) COVID-19. But as summer 2021 creeps ever closer, we have a new trailer for the Jon M. Chu–directed movie musical, which features, among other things, Anthony Ramos’s Usnavi directly addressing the camera with the opening number’s “Hey y’all, good morning.” We also get an extended look at a bearded Lin-Manuel Miranda as the Piragua Guy, as well as a few glances at the central romances between Ramos’s Usnavi and Melissa Barrera’s Vanessa, and Corey Hawkins’s Benny and Leslie Grace’s Nina. And hey, there’s the eternally likable Jimmy Smits as Nina’s dad! In the Heights comes out in theaters and on HBO Max on June 18.