Usually the only gifts Tom and Jerry leave behind are mouse-sized bespoke front doors and the smell of singed cat hair, so on Monday, they really came through in a big way. According to The Hollywood Reporter, some HBO Max users got a treat this afternoon, and no, we don’t mean the comedy stylings of Tom and Jerry star Colin Jost. When attempting to watch the new Warner Bros. comedy, instead of Tom and Jerry, some subscribers found themselves watching director Zack Snyder’s much-anticipated new version of Justice League, which is currently set to drop on the streaming platform March 18.
Per THR, several would-be Tom and Jerry viewers posted about the glitch on social media, including Twitter user Doug Bass, who snapped a screengrab of the four-hour film, of which he was able to watch one hour before getting an error message. Bass tweeted, “Someone’s getting fired…Tom and Jerry this is not.” The Hollywood Reporter’s Aaron Couch and Ryan Parker were also able to watch the new Justice League, noting that, when they paused the film, HBO Max’s onscreen text insisted they were watching Tom and Jerry.
We, unfortunately, didn’t have such luck, and reportedly the mix-up has since been rectified. Looks like the rest of us will have to wait another week and a half to finally see the the Snyder Cut. “‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League was temporarily available on HBO Max and the error was addressed within minutes,” a spokesperson from WarnerMedia told Variety, which noted that the film was up for at least an hour.
We’d like to blame the Joker for this pint-sized bit of chaos, but his shenanigans tend to be a little less whimsical and a little more existentially depraved, so we feel comfortable giving the credit to those lovable scamps Tom and Jerry, and, of course, their good friend, Colin Jost.