There is a light that never goes out, especially if that light is Morrissey complaining about something. Following a new Simpsons episode on Sunday night, which revolved around Lisa enjoying the morose company of a Moz-esque imaginary friend (who, weirdly enough, was voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch), the musician’s management team wrote a screed on Facebook to inform us how much he loathed it. “Sadly, The Simpsons show started out creating great insight into the modern cultural experience, but has since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors,” the statement read. “Poking fun at subjects is one thing. Other shows like SNL still do a great job at finding ways to inspire great satire. But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt, makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here.” In the episode, Morrissey — PETA’s golden boy and coiner of the term “meat is murder” — is depicted as an overweight carnivore who spews racist ideology about foreigners taking “jobs and men.” He also reunites his ’80’s-era rock band, the Snuffs, as a soulless cash grab.
“Even worse, calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist, without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing,” the statement continued, insisting that The Simpsons only takes a “hypocritical approach” to its storytelling. “It only serves to insult the artist. They should take that mirror and hold it up to themselves.” No word yet from chill chap Johnny Marr.