As he’s done so often on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert went live after President Biden’s big speech. The president made his first joint address to Congress Wednesday night, and Colbert’s live monologue gave him the edge (and the clips) to break it down for us. Whereas Jimmy Fallon had to do a guesstimate impression of what he thought the address might be like, Colbert was able to riff on the speech itself. Biden’s speech put forward ambitious goals for the country, including investing in green technology and increasing government aid to lower-income people. Colbert included a supercut of every time Biden said “jobs,” which was incredibly, tediously, wondrously long. Colbert also talked more specifically about the FBI raid on Rudy Giuliani’s home and office. And the talk-show host unveiled a new title card with a fart sound effect, so you know the news is important.