Who will berate Jordan Schlansky for his many, many idiosyncrasies now? Who will clean his office against his will, mock his obsession with bidets, and ruin his Italian vacation if not Conan O’Brien? Hopefully the fastidious associate producer is coming along for O’Brien’s next career move, because TBS has officially announced the specific date of Conan’s previously announced finale. According to the network, the late-night host’s famously long stride will carry him away from TBS after more than a decade on June 24. Don’t worry, though. While Conan itself is ending, Conan himself still has a lot of red-hot irons in the fire, including developing his upcoming new show for HBO Max, which TBS notes “will be a departure from his current traditional talk-show format,” as well as his podcast Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.
According to TBS, the final weeks of Conan will include “a lineup of special guests, as well as an extended hour-long finale with a look back on the past 11 years of this iteration of O’Brien’s lengthy late-night career.” It’s a good idea to spread out the show’s goodbye over a number of weeks. If they book Norm Macdonald for the finale, and they absolutely will, that’s a solid 45-minute interview right there.