The real twist would be the editors sucking their blood this time. Not really. But it’s amusing to think about. A year after AMC acquired the rights to Anne Rice’s robust collection of gothic-vampire novels, the network announced today that an Interview With the Vampire series has been greenlit for viewers. The adaptation will be executive produced by Rice and will take the format of an eight-episode limited series. Interview With the Vampire, which is widely considered to have been the fulcrum that launched pop culture’s obsession with vampires upon its release as a novel in 1976 (no disrespect to our boy Count Von Count), famously got the film treatment in 1994: Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt starred as fanged cuties Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis de Pointe du Lac, respectively, in a compelling tale about fear and loathing as an eternal being. And, also, killing a lot of innocent people for their blood supply.