Everyone binge rewatched their comfort shows over the pandemic, including Megan Thee Stallion apparently. Meg hung out on Twitter and expressed her love of both Vampire Diaries and True Blood. She said True Blood “might be my favorite show lol,” but her favorite character is TVD’s Elena Gilbert. A controversial pick!
Elena Gilbert, played by Nina Dobrev, was the human center around which all the vampire/werewolf/witch/hybrid/siren mishegoss swirled on The Vampire Diaries. Dobrev decided to leave the show after season six, which meant putting Elena in an unbreakable sleep-curse thing. A move Tina Snow did not appreciate.
But not everybody loved Elena. Many, including video essayist Jenny Nicholson, considered Elena kind of inert. She just cried about all the wild shit happening near/to her, rather than taking agency in her story.
But Megan Thee Stallion sees Elena as an agent of change for everyone around her, which mattered more in the long run. “Think abt this,” she tweeted, “if there was no Elena everyone would be bored and stagnant my bitch was making people change for the better her whole time on the show.” Everyone can agree that Kat Graham’s Bonnie didn’t get her due, though.