It is I, Vulture social-media editor and noted Meghan McCain hair fanatic, Wolfgang Ruth, arriving with a.m. news so devastating to me personally that I no longer have my wig: Miss Meghan McCain is reportedly leaving The View after four seasons. Per a Daily Mail “exclusive,” the co-host is set to announce her departure from the show today. Furthermore, the site’s source also claims McCain’s co-hosts — including Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg — as of Thursday morning’s news break, were “not yet aware” she was quitting. “Page Six” also reports, via a source, that ABC “begged” the legend to stay. Now reader, this day — this moment — is not surprising, nor is it shocking; it is, however, bittersweet. For weeks, we’ve been gravitated, gooped, and gobsmacked by the styles and the lengths of Meghan’s hair choices — who is she, why is she, how is she, where is she, and what is she? The pure fact that this extreme form of chaos is abruptly leaving our TV screens is heartbreaking. But, admittedly, it’s probably for the best. RIP, to the hair.
Update: And it’s official! In her announcement, Meghan attributes her decision to the COVID-19 pandemic, which sent her packing to the D.C. area, where she now wants to raise baby Liberty. She thanks her co-hosts and credits her father John McCain (heard of him?!) with her View gig. Meghan also reveals that she will be staying on through the end of July to close out the season, so that hairstylist has just a few short weeks to give us something earth-shattering, something we’ve never seen before.