Remember that scene in Pretty Little Liars where one of the girls gets secretly massaged by “A” villainous overlord who has been terrorizing her entire high-school existence? Yeah, this is the complete opposite of that. Kind of. Seth Rogen tweeted an amusing anecdote about ageless wonder Paul Rudd because, well, he felt like it, and it hinges on the fact that Rudd is very good at rubbing backs and legs … and maybe butts? “Once I was in the spa in a hotel in Vegas getting a massage. When I finished I turned over and to my shock Paul Rudd was massaging me,” Rogen recalled. “He saw me go in and convinced the masseuse to let him take over, thinking I’d notice immediately. I didn’t, and Paul did the entire rest of it.” Rogen insisted that the experience wasn’t a marijuana-induced hallucination, adding, “I’m sure Paul would confirm it.” Yes, please confirm it, Rudd, as well as your preferred brand of moisturizer.