The suffix “-aissance” is dead. We are no longer allowed to call the resurgence of a character actress doing multiple high-profile projects at once an “-aissance.” But how else are we supposed to describe the reemergence of (not character actresses but musicians) Santana and Rob Thomas? Déjà Smooth? First, it was announced that the duo will play New York’s Homecoming Concert on August 21. And today, they released their first new studio single since the 1999 summer radio hit “Smooth” that won them three Grammy Awards 22 years ago. It’s called “Move,” a word that sounds like smooth if you make your ears squint, and it’s got guitar licks and summer vibes, just like the first one. It’s all perfectly harmless. It also features vocals from American Authors, a band perhaps best known for their single “Best Day of My Life,” a song that is sonically indistinguishable from its Kidz Bop cover.
Regarding the track’s inspiration, Carlos Santana tweeted, “‘Move’ came about very much like how Smooth happened, It was like divine intelligence behind the scenes, and I knew I had to record it with @ThisIsRobThomas. The song is about awakening your molecules. Ignite and activate yourself. Together, we have a sound that’s splendiferous.”
Despite this new information, the 2021 Song of Summer slot remains sadly unfilled.