Time to “black out with your rack out.” Mindy Kaling goes from the high-school foibles of Never Have I Ever to The Sex Lives of College Girls, created with Justin Noble. The show follows four college roommates at a prestigious New England university as they work hard, play hard, and sleep even harder: Pauline Chalamet (of the Timothée Chalamets) as the nerdy one, Amrit Kaur as the party girl, Reneé Rapp as the blonde one, and Alya Chanelle Scott as the jock whose mom is probably wishing she was at an HBCU rushing AKA. The cast is rounded out by series regulars Midori Francis, Gavin Leatherwood, Chris Meyer, Ilia Isorelys Paulino, Lauren Spencer, and Renika Williams. Kaling (Dartmouth Class of 2001) and showrunner Noble (Yale Class of 2007) wrote the first episode together. The Sex Lives of College Girls premieres on HBO Max with two episodes on Thursday, November 18. The ten-episode rollout continues with three episodes each week until the final two on December 9. Don’t sleep through your alarms.