Consider this your friendly PSA that the Tenet of game-show moments is finally upon us, as Mike Richards’s Jeopardy! episodes will be inverting our entropy and airing this week from Monday, September 13, through Friday, September 17. As we now know, Richards stepped down as Jeopardy!’s host in late August after he effectively crowned himself as Alex Trebek’s replacement, but not before filming a full day of episodes and becoming the ire of the entire internet in the process. He has since been fired as the show’s executive producer as well, owing to “disruption and internal difficulties.” (And, ahem, a very skeevy past.) Following Richards’s five days of episodes, Mayim Bialik and another group of guest hosts will fill in until Jeopardy! selects its official host successor. We might as well give a pair of googly eyes on a lectern the opportunity, too.