last night on late night

Jon Stewart Has Some Eccentric Opinions About Sea Life

Remember that Jon Stewart interview on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert earlier this year, in which he was pushing the lab-leak theory? Yeah, we tried to forget too. But it looks like during that same appearance, Colbert also pretaped a Colbert Questionert segment with his former Comedy Central companion. And in that interview, which aired last night, Stewart revealed an even wilder belief: that fish aren’t animals. When Colbert asks him what he thinks the scariest animal is, Stewart responds, “Scariest animal. So it’s gotta be land animal, not something from the sea.” Colbert tries to clear up the confusion, saying, “Animals from the sea are still animals, Jon,” but the Problem With Jon Stewart host won’t hear it. “They’re not. They’re fish.” Colbert tries to get the crowd to convince him that fish are, in fact, animals, but Stewart just says, “I disagree.” Stewart then stops himself mid-rant. “You know what I just realized? I’m just a crazy old man off the street.”

So Stewart, who doesn’t think fish are animals, is maybe not the best person to be peddling COVID-outbreak theories. Fish aren’t animals to him, but they are action stars. When Colbert asks Stewart about his favorite action movie, he answers, “Finding Nemo,” followed by “define action movie.” This guy …

Jon Stewart Has Some Eccentric Opinions About Sea Life