toss a coin to your witcher

Don’t Toss Coins at Henry Cavill, You Guys!

You like Henry Cavill. You appreciate his acting, his computer-building, and his nerd bona fides. But the way to show your appreciation is not — and we cannot stress this enough — to toss coins at him. A BBC One interviewer read a YouTuber comment that said, “I feel sorry for Henry Cavill. For the rest of his life, wherever he goes, people will toss coins at him.” According to Cavill, that hasn’t happened yet. But it shouldn’t start. “Don’t throw anything at me,” he said directly to camera. “I’ll throw it back.” There are many things that happen in The Witcher that aren’t appropriate to enact in real life. Swordplay, for one; coin tossing, for two. Maybe make a charitable donation in honor of your Witcher?

Don’t Toss Coins at Henry Cavill, You Guys!