Believe it or not, it is in fact possible to be both an internet comedian and a sparkling live cabaret hostess. And when you combine those two things (take a live performance but put it online), that’s actually what’s known as a Netflix comedy special, darlings. Today, Netflix announced that Renaissance woman Catherine Cohen — co-host of Seek Treatment, scribe of poems, picker of apples — will soon have her first original comedy special on the platform, called The Twist …? She’s Gorgeous. Filmed at Joe’s Pub, The Twist …? finds Cohen using “her musical expertise to hilariously divulge details about relationships, modern feminism, and being the main character of her own life.” With Henry Koperski on the keys, think of it like Inside if Inside was for cool girls and not sad boys and also wasn’t depressing and instead was very glamorous. Actually, terrible analogy. The Twist …? She’s Gorgeous. premieres on Netflix on March 15.