Team Edward or Team Jacob? Pssh. Zoë Kravitz isn’t like other girls. In an interview with People, Kravitz told pasta-maker Robert Pattinson that she never saw his vampire movies. “Sorry,” she said. “Not my ting.” Pattinson, who stars alongside her in The Batman, replied, “It’s not even cool to be a hater anymore. That’s so 2010.” Kravitz then clarified that she doesn’t hate Twilight, she just didn’t see or “participate in” the Twihard of it all. But upon reflection, she realized that she actually has watched the first movie in the franchise. Not necessarily of her own free will, of course. “My best friend Skye kinda made me go,” Kravitz explained. “So I don’t really remember it, but … sorry.” How did that baseball scene not leave a lasting impact?