Brett Goldstein is on the upcoming season of Sesame Street. Well, kind of. Brett Goldstein, a proven Muppy (the nickname I made up for Muppet fans), got to go to set, but Grover doesn’t, like, appear on Goldstein’s surprisingly soft-spoken movie podcast. Roy Kent is in the clip from the upcoming season of Sesame Street, originally shared on Entertainment Weekly. Recreating his dynamic with his niece Phoebe on Ted Lasso, Kent makes cookies with Tamir. And in Sesame Street fashion, the fun activity is actually a freaking ruse to teach the unsuspecting toddlers at home a word.
What word?
Glad you asked. “Today’s word begins with the letter f,” Tamir informs us. No, it’s not “fuck.” Obviously, it wasn’t going to be “fuck,” but seemingly the comedic tension for the entire scene is built on the parent or babysitter at home thinking, I bet Roy Kent really wishes he can be saying “fuck” right now. What is the kid thinking in this moment? Fuck, if I know.
So, if it’s not that F-word, the sort of Godot of the scene, what F-word is it?
If you’re like me (a Leo-Cancer cusp), you probably thought “friend.” That’s a nice Sesame Street–y word, good for a two-hander, like this scene. In an apparent attempt to play to the top of their audience’s intelligence, “friend” isn’t exactly Word of the Day–worthy, as most of their audience has already picked it up. “Food” is another good guess. Roy is wearing an apron, a garment commonly worn while producing the aforementioned. And there is food in the scene (cookies). And there is a third-beat walk-on role from a Sesame Street staple actually named after his favorite food (Cookie Monster). Alas, it’s not “food,” likely for the same reason as “friend.” I don’t have kids, but I’m pretty sure by the time they watch Sesame Street, they have already eaten food.
IT IS NOT “FOOTBALL.” Sesame Street is in America and, last I checked, “soccer” don’t start with no dang f. American football? Okay, it’s also not that. Let’s knock out a few fellow f’s. It’s not “fart.” Wouldn’t that rule, if it were? Roy Kent teaching some felt 8-year-old about farts. Any guesses yet? No, it’s not Frasier. It’s not “finger” or “fingers” or “fist.” It’s not “fire” or “firefighter.” It’s not “fiction” or “friction.” It’s not “forest” or “Forrest (Gump).” No, not “friend,” we already talked about that one. Put your answers in the comments below. And don’t forget to like and subscribe. The Word of the Day is …
Woah. Never would’ve guessed that. [Looks down the barrel of the camera] Did you?