Anne Hathaway, a known theater girl, proudly admires those dedicated to the stage and screen — even the eight actresses who came before her for the role of Andy in The Devil Wears Prada. During the premiere weekend of Armageddon Time in Cannes, Hathaway revealed that she and Jeremy Strong had dinner together “half in character and half out of character” to prepare for their roles as fictional versions of James Gray’s parents. Hathaway leaned into Strong’s intense acting methods by sharing how well he adapted to playing a fatherly role. “Jeremy understood his character so well, he had jokes. He could joke in character. He knew how to fix a refrigerator,” Hathaway told Variety Studio at Cannes. What kind of dad jokes did Strong tell? Is he a fart-joke kind of guy or a punny dad? Or was the refrigerator bit an inside joke between the two, hinting at the classic “you better go catch it” punch line?
The duo had plenty of source material to work from that weren’t dad jokes as Gray re-created his childhood home for the film filled with family photos. Both are reunited with their close friend, Jessica Chastain, who was recently revealed to play Donald Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, in the film. Armageddon Time has not been given an official theatrical release date.