Deadpool will still scream, curse, make obscene gestures, and do whatever else the crude superhero is known to do. While screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick declined to share specific plot details such as version changes (a previous version of the script was written by Bob’s Burgers writers Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin), they did confirm to Den of Geek that Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, will stick to his roots and be just as raunchy as ever despite the recent Disney merger.
“Deadpool is gonna be Deadpool,” Wernick confirmed. “They’ve been very supportive with regard to that. Now when it comes to a particular joke, if we cross a line, maybe we’ll hear at some point, ‘Maybe not that joke,’” continued Reese. “But I think they’ve been incredibly supportive of what we’re doing, because obviously we were doing it separate from them for a long time, and I think they’ve seen the success and they’ve had their own even greater success. So hopefully it’ll be a marriage made in heaven. But we’ve definitely got their support, and that’s a great thing to feel.” The writers will have more to play with because Deadpool is now a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Holland, get ready for Ryan Reynolds.