Now here’s some grist for the AU fanfic mill: Maya Rudolph was approached to play the title role in Killing Eve. In a cover-story interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Rudolph says she had to turn down the opportunity, despite being a fan of creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s series Fleabag, in large part because of parenthood. “But there was no way I was about to move to Europe for months,” she told THR. “Like, how?” We personally wouldn’t trade Sandra Oh’s performance for the world. Maybe we’d trade it for a new finale.
Speaking of Rudolph’s family, in the interview she describes the circumstances that led to her meet-cute with her husband, director Paul Thomas Anderson. When Rudolph first got to Saturday Night Live in 2000, she picked out an empty office for writing and turned on the computer. Whose name should pop up on the screen but PTA’s? The director had been at Studio 8H the week before, working with Adam Sandler on Punch-Drunk Love. How You’ve Got Mail–core is that?