Netflix and Mo’Nique have settled their legal battle. Mo’Nique filed a gender and racial discrimination lawsuit against the streamer in 2019, after Netflix made an offer for a stand-up special that she found “biased, discriminatory” in 2017. Deadline is reporting that the two parties have settled, but that the details of that settlement were not disclosed.
Mo’Nique and Netflix’s troubles began in 2017, when the streamer offered her $500,000 for an hour-long stand-up special — far less than other comics were getting. Jerry Seinfeld got $100 million, Dave Chappelle $60 million, and Amy Schumer negotiated up, reportedly, to $13 million. When Mo’Nique countered, Netflix allegedly shut down negotiations and blackballed her. In 2019, Mo’Nique filed suit claiming racial and gender discrimination. “[T]he offer Netflix made Mo’Nique wreaked [sic] of discrimination; it perpetuated the pay gap suffered by Black women,” the claim read. “Netflix’s business practice of paying Black women less than non-Black women for substantially equal or similar work causes harm to Plaintiff that outweighs any reason Netflix may have for doing so.” The suit also noted a general pattern of gender and racial discrimination at the streamer, highlighting such instances as when Claire Foy was paid significantly less than Matt Smith for The Crown.
Netflix moved to dismiss the suit in 2020. A judge dismissed the attempt, saying, “While Netflix argues that the novelty of Mo’Nique’s claim and the absence of on-point legal authority for it should bar her retaliation claims outright, the Court disagrees.” Mo’Nique noted the precedent-setting nature of her suit, writing on Instagram, “I could accept what I felt was pay discrimination or I could stand up for those who came before me and those who will come after me. I chose to stand up.”