Whosoever reads this list, if they be worthy, shall possess the power and knowledge of Kevin Feige — or at least some information gleaned from decades of comic book reading. Thor: Love and Thunder finds Thor (Chris Hemsworth) journeying through the cosmos, alongside Jane Foster aka The Mighty Thor (Natalie Portman) to stop Gorr, the God Butcher (Christian Bale) in his latest adventure. While Taika Waititi’s film is largely self-contained and makes no mention of multiverse shenanigans or anything else happening in the MCU’s Earth-bound Phase 4 entries, there are still enough Easter eggs to whet fans appetites for things to come (though a surprising amount of them were revealed in the trailers). A number of these characters and concepts will likely become crucial later, be it in another Thor sequel or some other Marvel movie down the road.
Screaming Goats
If the goats, gifted to Thor after he saves a planet alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy, seem like random comedic additions, they’re not. Though they aren’t named in the film, the goats are Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, who’ve pulled Thor’s chariot and aided him on numerous adventures since their comic book debut in 1976’s Thor Annual #5.
Dr. Darcy
Kat Dennings reprises her role as Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster’s former intern and subsequent BFF who first appeared in Thor (2011). She last appeared in WandaVision (2021), where she took down the corrupt S.W.O.R.D. director Tyler Hayward and left before the FBI could question her. While there’s no mention here of her experiences in Westview or any indication of what she’s doing now, we wouldn’t be surprised if she continues to pop up as the MCU’s resident civilian scientist.
Dr. Selvig
Stellan Skarsgard makes a brief appearance as Dr. Erik Selvig through a video call to Jane as the pair go over her blood work and he offers his sympathies on her cancer diagnosis. He hasn’t been seen in the MCU outside of photo references since Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).
Omnipotence City
The Nexus of all the Gods in the universe was introduced in Thor: God of Thunder #3 in 2012. The location was established after the First Great War of the Gods as a meeting place and governing chamber. There are a lot of gods to pick out amongst the crowd, though Moon Knight’s Khonshou appears to be absent. But a sharp eye can spot Bast, the Goddess of the Panther Tribe in Wakanda. Sitting next to her, there is a blue god with some nifty headgear who appears Aztec in design, and may hint towards the upcoming Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which will introduce a tribe of underwater Aztecs led by Namor.
Zeus, God of Gods
Are you not entertained? Russell Crowe depicts an outright comedic version of the “God of lighting,” one of the very first gods and Thor’s hero (until he discovers that he’s a giant asshole). Zeus has run up against Thor on numerous occasions in the comics, and joined him in dealing with the threat of the Celestials in The Celestials Saga. But it’s his son, Hercules, who holds the more famous rivalry with the Odinson. The film’s post-credit scene suggests we haven’t seen the last of Crowe’s Zeus or his wacky accent.
Celestial Presence
As Thor, Jane, Korg (Taika Waititi), and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) make off with Zeus’ thunderbolt, two, giant Celestials watch their escape. The Celestials most recently made their presence on Earth known in Eternals, but they aren’t acknowledged here.
Hall of Legends
In the temple that holds the door to Eternity and serves as the battleground for the clash between Thor, Jane, and Gorr, several giant stone heads can be seen. The likenesses include that of a Celestial (who appears to be Arishem the Judge, a.k.a. the main threat from Eternals), The Watcher (introduced in What If…?), The Living Tribunal (the authoritative power of the multiverse, glimpsed briefly in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness), and Death, Thanos’ skeletal paramour in the comics, who has yet to appear in the flesh…so to speak. As the MCU delves further into cosmic realms, expect to see these characters getting cast in the near future.
From Here to Eternity
Gorr has his sights set on reaching Eternity, a cosmic deity that can grant him any wish he desires. Introduced in the Doctor Strange-centric comic, Strange Tales #138 in 1965, Eternity is a nearly omnipotent personification of the cosmos who exists as a separate entity in each multiverse. During an “incursion,” the colliding of two multiverses (set up onscreen at the end of Multiverse of Madness), a version of Eternity dies. While the comics version does not grant wishes, the MCU version could be a means to resurrect deceased characters, though reaching Eternity again won’t be so easy. Either way, the character’s introduction points to big things to come, and continues to suggest the MCU is eventually headed towards the Secret Wars.
More on Thor: Love and Thunder
- Chris Hemsworth Bravely Went Vegan for a Whole Morning
- Natalie Portman Put on a Cape for This?
- Waititi Taikes the Piss out of Thor: Love and Thunder’s VFX