Well, someone’s gotta fill Hugh’s shoes. Per the New York Times, Taron Egerton is hoping he can become the next Wolverine after Hugh Jackman retired his claws with his last performance as the superhero with Logan in 2017. According to Egerton, he has expressed interest and met with studio executives, including Marvel president Kevin Feige. “I’d be excited but I’d be apprehensive as well, because Hugh is so associated with the role that I’d wonder if it’d be very difficult for someone else to do it,” the Rocketman actor said of becoming John Howlett. After flashing a smile, he added, “But hopefully if it does come around, they’ll give me a shot.” Egerton has been bringing up the possibility since 2019, so it seems that he is genuinely interested in taking on the part. And that hasn’t always been true of his projects, such as the box-office flops Robin Hood and Billionaire Boys Club. “I ignored my instincts on those two jobs because I was offered quite a lot of money to do them,” he explained to the Times. “And that’s just fatal. You can’t pick roles that way.” Manifesting, on the other hand, has worked for Marvel men before.