Below Deck Med chief stew, Natasha Webb, is cleaning up the details of her experience with Dave White on the show. Webb went on Watch What Happens Live after last night’s episode, which showed the fallout of her fling with the bosun, including him harassing her with text messages after she attempted to avoid him. Afterward, Webb reiterated to Andy Cohen that they “were never in a relationship.” “We hooked up a few times,” she said. “It was a very messy situation.” She also confirmed that they hooked up before they knew they’d be on the show together (as Cohen noted, yachting really is a small world!), but “it was wrong” not to reveal their relationship onboard, where they shared a bunk for the first few charters. (On last night’s episode, Captain Sandy had them switch cabins for Webb’s safety.)
Webb went on to admit that she cares “a lot” about White and has begun communicating with him now. “We’ve gotten over it. We’ve both moved on,” she said, adding that she’s in a new, “amazing” relationship — as she deserves! At the same time, she admitted that White’s behavior wasn’t right. “I saw his true colors,” Webb told Cohen, “and who would want to be in that toxic relationship?”