Oscar Isaac would. While trying to explain his armpit-sniffing moment with Jessica Chastain on the Venice International Film Festival red carpet, Isaac couldn’t help but bring up flatworms. As you do. “I was just watching this video of this guy, it’s like a TED Talk, talking about these little … flatworms,” Isaac said on The Jess Cagle Podcast. “You can cut them into like 100 pieces and they will grow a whole new worm out of the little piece.” Trust that this gets sweet soon, shortly after the worm-dissection talk.
According to Professor Moon Knight, flatworms are basically immortal because their cells can communicate on some electrochemical/ electromagnetic level. “And if you interfere with these [worms], you can make them grow two heads and they’ll continue to do that. It’s not DNA. It’s just at the cellular level,” Isaac said. “That’s how Jessica and I kind of talk to each other. We’re just, like, little flatworms. Maybe we should use more actual human language to talk instead of sniffing an armpit and doing things like that.” So you and your partner may be close, but are you so close that your cells communicate and reproduce independently, making you functionally immortal? Yeah, didn’t think so.