The number-one discussion topic for actors doing their first big press outing always is, “What did you do before acting?” Sometimes it’s boring, like waiting tables. Sometimes it reveals a different side of their personality, like Retta and Lisa Kudrow’s past in medical science. Then there’s Dane DiLiegro. When you hear that the guy who’s playing the latest incarnation of the Predator in Prey was a pro basketball player and butcher, you go, “Yeah, those are the skills you’d need to successfully predate.” The Los Angeles Times noted that DiLiegro’s hands are “as meaty as beefsteaks,” a quality Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini called out as “butcher’s hands.” Besides de-boning cattle, DiLiegro played professional basketball in Europe for eight seasons before getting into creature acting. Pre-Prey, he did monster work on American Horror Story and Sweet Home. “I find it to be a little therapeutic, especially when my face is covered with a silicone-and-plaster shell,” he told the Times. “You just sit there and you’re completely confined and it’s warm and kind of meditative. Other people might freak out: The process involves a lot of breath control.” Now on which job did he learn breath control?