Amazon Prime Video has played the Uno reverse card and started reviewing its reviews. According to Variety, the platform now puts a 72-hour delay on all user reviews. After the hot takes cool off for three days, each review is then evaluated to see if it’s genuine or coming from a bot, troll, Orc, etc. A Prime Video representative confirmed that this system has been in place since around the time that A League of Their Own stepped up to bat on August 12. More people have reportedly taken notice after the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power dropped. The series seems poised for a review-bombing, given the vocal viewers on social media who are upset about the increased diversity in this take on Tolkien’s fantasy world and feel that the actors of color warrant a negative review by principle. According to Variety, this review system is intended to keep “bad faith” posters from dragging down a show’s rating; A League of Their Own has 4.3 out of 5 stars. We can only imagine that it will be a costly task to assess all the Rings of Power critiques. But hey, when it comes to this $715 million dollar trip to Middle Earth, we already know that Prime Video is sparing no cost.