Oprah doesn’t think any Emmy nominee should get left behind. In her presentation of the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series, she discussed just how difficult it is to win what she calls “the most coveted television accolade on the planet.” Obviously, the odds aren’t in anyone’s favor, but Oprah thinks we should all seriously consider the math of it all for the good of society and our brain development after the pandemic left us with closed schools for nearly two years. “It’s impossible to win one — almost,” Oprah begins her secondary-school riddle. “There are 8 billion people on this planet but only 25 Emmys to be given out tonight.” Quick, everyone, this is the back-of-the-napkin calculation that Mr. Allen warned you about! Is 8 billion at the top of the fraction or the bottom? Wait … iPhone calculators don’t let you type in 8 billion unless you flip it to the landscape view. Oprah, help! “So your chances of winning: 300 million to one,” she says, kindly giving us the answer. And then Michael Keaton won his one-in-300-million Emmy. Use the commercial to relearn y=mx+b real quick — Oprah might ask to calculate slope next.