Who loves da Movies? Harry Styles loves da Movies. Acting in them, watching them, doing press for them — he does it all. Speaking at a Venice International Film Festival press event, Styles said the best thing about the movie he’s in is that it’s a movie. Like, a real one, with cameras filming stuff. “You know, my favorite thing about the movie is, like, it feels like a movie,” he said. “It feels like a real, like, you know, ‘go to the theater’ film movie.” Styles is hardly the only actor who is hitting the “you must experience cinema in a cinema” talking point. Ex-spouses Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise are all about it. But nobody else had Chris Pine staring blankly into the void while they talked up the theatergoing experience. Now the poor fellow is getting memed to hell.
Styles also said the best thing about acting was pretending. “It’s fun to play in worlds that aren’t necessary your own,” Styles said at the big-rumor-ignoring presser for Don’t Worry Darling. “This world is supposedly so perfect; it was fun to play pretend in it. It’s like driving fun cars. A lot of fun stuff as well.”