We’ve come a long way since the major Bury Your Gays discourse hit the mainstream in 2016. When The 100, Orange Is the New Black, and The Walking Dead all shuffled their lesbian characters off their respective mortal coils, people finally brought hetero attention to the fact that lesbians rarely get to survive their stories. But now there are (competing?) gay rom-coms coming out, they’re still killing queer characters on the Game of Thrones spinoff as soon as we meet them, and states are enacting cruel anti-LGBTQ legislation specifically targeting children. Okay, maybe we haven’t come very far at all. “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell” killed off Jenny Hagel to remind everyone of where lesbians stand in the greater TV ecosphere. They don’t stand; they lie down. Cuz they’re dead. Shocking of Late Night to kill Hagel in the middle of the season, but frankly it’s crazy she lasted this long. Tara only got three seasons.