Glee is soon going to become the next Simpsons in terms of predicting the future. Maybe it’ll mean we shall finally get a Grilled Cheesus. Just a few days after her Funny Girl debut, Lea Michele announced that she wouldn’t be performing as Fanny Brice for the Saturday performance as she began developing early signs of COVID. “Due to production’s safety protocols I’m not allowed to perform for today’s shows,” Michele writes on Instagram. “Julie is going to crush it today as Fanny.” She shared she will be taking another COVID test soon to see if she can perform tomorrow night, as her test today was inconclusive. It was later confirmed to be a positive test, and Michele is currently in quarantine until she returns to the stage on September 20. Several other members of the cast have tested positive, according to Fanny Brice understudy, Julie Benko. However, Michele seems to be in good spirits as she recently joined Tik Tok, posting her first video parodying a Funny Girl meme.
Gleeks quickly pointed out that this announcement proved that life imitates art; Michele, as Rachel Berry in season five’s “The Back-up Plan,” pretended to be sick during her Funny Girl run to audition for a TV pilot in Los Angeles. All eyes are on @CelebJets to see if Michele may be taking a quick trip to the city of Angels for a TV audition. While fans are disappointed they won’t be able to see their greatest star hit the stage; maybe if the prophecy is fulfilled, another Gleek could step up to the plate. We hear Kurt Hummel would make an amazing Fanny Brice.
This post has been updated throughout.