Once, in an issue of Cosmo in 2011, Cameron Diaz famously revealed a shocking truth: “I’ve been noticing gravity since I was very young.” Strangely, the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 came out the same year — which, I promise dear reader, with this week’s latest goss, makes both of these seemingly random parcels of information relevant.
Tom Felton (who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films), writes in his new memoir, Beyond the Wand, per Insider, that Daniel Radcliffe used a picture of the rom-com icon to focus on during the filming of “flying” Quidditch scenes. But why? A variety of tennis balls on poles (in front of a green screen) were apparently used to ensure that actors looked in the same spot, and (obviously) it could get confusing, as “one looked very much like another,” Felton explains. Hmm. To fix this hurdle, production ended up giving people “individual objects” to stare at. “We chose pictures of something or somebody close to our hearts,” Felton writes. “Daniel Radcliffe had a picture of a particularly beautiful Cameron Diaz.” As for Felton, he chose “an even more beautiful carp.”