Spawn, the Blumhouse film adaptation of Todd McFarlane’s supernatural comic-book antihero, has been given new life. Announced in 2017, the movie has stalled at various times but was just assigned three new writers with comic-book-adaptation pedigrees. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Joker’s Scott Silver, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s Malcolm Spellman, and Matt Mixon are joining forces on a new script. Jamie Foxx is still slated to play Spawn. Spellman expressed his enthusiasm for the character in a statement. “Todd McFarlane’s Spawn character was always one of my favorites — a Black superhero that was no bullshit, he was cool and dealt with modern issues,” he said. “Myself, Matt Mixon, and Scott Silver are pledged to honoring what Todd started and what Spawn is at its core, delivering something that’s relevant and edgy and unlike any other superhero movie out there.” Spawn is a former assassin who makes a deal with a devil after being killed. He becomes a Hellspawn, a force that murders evildoers on behalf of Hell. Spawn previously got the filmic treatment in 1997. McFarlane’s initial idea for this iteration of the character was for Spawn to act more like Bruce, the shark in Jaws — something rarely seen but whose presence pervades the film. We’ll see if these new writers have the same vision.