Kendall Jenner is taking on horse motherhood all by herself. Jenner and Phoenix Suns NBA player Devin Booker quietly quit their relationship of two years last month, People confirmed Monday. “Both have incredibly busy schedules right now with their careers and they’ve decided to make that a priority,” a source told the magazine. “They have a lot of love and respect for each other and wish only the best.” On top of her work as a model, as a Kardashian, and drinking tequila, she’s probably busiest as an expectant mother to a horse. She announced the latest KarJenner baby on the November 17 episode of The Kardashians, which was facilitated by Olympian-grade horse sperm she got for her birthday. The comparative ease of this breakup is unique in a family that can make wearing a dress into an epic saga, but clearly Jenner’s more focused on her kid (pony). Good thing she can afford someone to help shovel the shit.