Prepping to host Saturday Night Live is hard work. Not quite as hard as prepping to play a bodybuilder, but closer than you might think, according to Jonathan Majors, someone who would know. Majors, who hosted SNL in 2021, now stars in Magazine Dreams, which premiered at Sundance Film Festival on January 20, as a bodybuilder who has a difficult time with social cues. And, yes, bodybuilding takes the proverbial cake, but “SNL is a close second, though,” Majors told the Vulture Spot. And it turns out the two are more similar than you might imagine at first glance. “Both were extremely physical, long hours, and I had to eat a lot,” he said. Majors discusses prep for both roles of a lifetime, along with:
➽ A discussion of why Majors goes so hard physically for his roles
➽ What drew him to Magazine Dreams
➽ How many eggs/egg whites one should eat per day