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Young. Wild. Free. Couldn’t Be Young, Wild, or Free Until After COVID Delays

After living with a pandemic for almost three years, the early days of it all seem like a blur and an optimistic mess. Unfortunately, many recent films have had to find ways to adjust to the new climate. Director Thembi Banks’s first feature, Young. Wild. Free., had its own struggles as its filming process started right before lockdown. It follows teenager Brandon (Algee Smith), who gets caught up in a new relationship with Cassidy (Sierra Capri) in a Bonnie and Clyde–type romance. In the video above, Smith and Capri join Banks in reminiscing about flattening the curve during the early days of the pandemic, beginning with:

➽ Constant production delays
➽ The joy of the first day of work
➽ Giving COVID just two more weeks

Young. Wild. Free. Stars Discuss COVID Delays at Sundance