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Melanie Lynskey Shuts Down Complaining Last of Us Fan

Melanie Lynskey in The Last of Us. Photo: Liane Hentscher/HBO

In today’s episode of complaining fans (and thinly veiled body shaming), an America’s Next Top Model graduate demeans Melanie Lynskey’s Last of Us character on the internet. And gets shut down by the actor shortly thereafter. “Her body says life of luxury … not post apocolyptic [sic] warlord,” model Adrianne Curry said of Lynskey in a since-deleted tweet on February 8. “Where is [The Terminator actress] linda hamilton when you need her?” Lynskey responded to Curry’s lack of imagination (like? … Warlords can have all sorts of bodies …) with her own tweet. “Firstly — this is a photo from my cover shoot for InStyle magazine, not a still from HBO’s ‘The Last Of Us,’” she wrote. “And I’m playing a person who meticulously planned & executed an overthrow of FEDRA. I am supposed to be SMART, ma’am. I don’t need to be muscly. That’s what henchmen are for.”

She went on to explain that subverting people’s expectations is fun, actually. “I understand that some people are mad that I’m not the typical casting for this role,” she continued. “That’s thrilling to me.” Curry, though already bested by Lynskey’s impeccable logic, doubled down: “i am so over everything anymore,” she tweeted. “Actors can’t allow people to not like their characters? I am DONE. we are not the things we pretend we are on a set or stage. its ok if someone doesn’t like em. it isn’t personal in the slightest.” She ended by thanking fans for their “overwhelming and powerful” love and support.

Lynksey’s husband then entered the chat, saying the model put her foot in her mouth. “You … you could have just … not tweeted it,” he aptly wrote on Twitter, before accusing Curry of playing the victim when the internet turned on her. “But you did, and people are upset with what you said. Whatever happens now, DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING FROM THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! Dig your heels in deeper, and double down! BECOME the victim! You can do this!! I believe in you!!” It’s not the first time a Last of Us character faced criticism over their appearance. Toxic fans said Bella Ramsey, who plays main character Ellie, doesn’t look enough like her video-game counterpart, while they got upset over the fact that Pedro Pascal’s Joel says he can’t grow a full beard (because he doesn’t have the same beard as the game character). Based on this evidence, The Last of Us stans appear to have rigid imaginations — sorry to them.

Melanie Lynskey Shuts Down a Complaining Last of Us Fan