One, two, three … Pillow fight! Wait, no [ducks], not like that. We’re talking about the pillows with the double-sided sequins that are the eternal property of nieces around the globe — the kind that Pedro Pascal’s character Javi has with Nicolas Cage’s face on it in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. In it, there’s a scene in which Javi reveals his collection of Cage-based memorabilia, including a double-sided sequin pillow with Cage’s face on one side — which Javi loves and Cage is discomfited by. The two then have a fun moment in which Cage pushes the sequins over to the non-Cage side, and Javi, mildly offended, pushes them back to Cage-ness. Turns out that was improvised! On Hot Ones, Pascal said that, behind the scenes, Cage thought the pillow was weird and wanted it gone. “No, I think it should stay,” Pascal said. That led to the in-scene interaction, which was not scripted. They say life imitates art, but when Nic Cage is playing Nic Cage in movie about a guy who is obsessed with Nic Cage, it’s not so surprising the art imitated life.