James Gunn and Peter Safran have taken a chance on a fresh new talent to direct Superman: Legacy — James Gunn. Gunn called the film “The true beginning of the DCU” in his big slate announcement video back in January. Gunn also wrote the film, which by necessity meant writing Henry Cavill out of the DCU. According to Gunn, the film will focus on Supes’ early years, but later movies might have space for Cavill again. “[W]e’re big fans,” Gunn tweeted, “and we talked about a number of exciting possibilities to work together in the future.” In the meantime, Gunn is fleshing out Superman’s backstory. Gunn tweeted that he’d turned down working on a Superman film years ago, and only figured out a way into the character recently, “centering around Superman’s heritage - how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes.” From Gunn’s tweets, it also seems like Superman: Legacy is going to have a lot of Dad Stuff in it. Or Pa Issues, in the case of the Kent family. The film comes out July 11, 2025, which is also Gunn’s late father’s birthday. “He didn’t understand me as a kid, but he supported my love of comics and my love of film,” Gunn said, “and I wouldn’t be making this movie now without him.”