
Kate Middleton Fiddletons on the Piano at Eurovision

Photo: Eurovision

Quick! If you had to choose between: Katy Perry’s performance at the coronation last week or Kate Middleton on the piano at Eurovision? Because the latter was… undoubtedly less powerful than “Roar.” The royals had to insert themselves into an internationally cherished occasion to make us forget how boring the coronation actually was — and to say they were part of a beloved television event possibly. Kate Middleton made a surprise appearance at the Eurovision Song Contest’s pre-recorded opening number, despite some Eurovision fans wishing it was someone else. In Windsor Castle earlier this month, she played an instrumental version of Kalush Orchestra’s song “Stefania” from the last year’s winning country, Ukraine.

Joining Middleton in the opening number was Andrew Lloyd-Webber, rapper Ms Banks, and the Kalush Orchestra. However, the real royalty of the night has yet to be crowned as the competition is still underway.

Kate Middleton Fiddletons on the Piano at Eurovision