At the Las Culturistas Culture Awards earlier this year, King of Bravo Andy Cohen made a promise to the audience while accepting the award for “Best Gay Guy (Famous)” that he was going to become even gayer. And getting gayer involves hanging out with Kamala Harris and playing Kylie Minogue for her in front of the Stonewall Inn. The two made the visit as part of Pride on Monday, June 26, and, before going in, Cohen said the immortal words to Harris: “I’m going to tell you the banger of the summer.” That banger? “Padam Padam,” a.k.a. the gay national anthem. Cohen played the song for less than one chorus’s worth of time, bopping along to it with (off-beat) full-body squats. Quoth Harris: “Okay. I like it.” Also quoth Harris, of course: “Hahahahaha.”
The two then entered Stonewall, where Harris promised, “We are all in this together. We are fighting for the ideals of our country,” according to the New York Times. She did not describe that support further or announce any policy initiatives. Next up, Harris and Cohen can perform with Kylie at Horse Meat Disco.