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The HFPA Is Dead, Long Live Dick Clark’s Golden Globes

Photo: Allen J. Schaben/Getty Images/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag

RIP to the relevance of one of our favorite awards-show jokes: the time Amy Poehler got the HFPA confused with HPV. It had truly a good run while it lasted, but the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is no more. The Golden Globes have been acquired by Dick Clark Productions with Todd Boehly’s Eldridge, and the HFPA is being dissolved, according to a press release sent on Monday, June 12, making the Globes a for-profit organization. Proceeds from the sale will go to the new Golden Globe Foundation, which will “continue the legacy HPFA’s history of entertainment-related charitable giving.” The HFPA hasn’t had a great few years of press — from being dropped by its broadcaster after it was revealed that it had no Black members to making it back on the air cloaked in controversy. “We are excited to close on this much anticipated member-approved transaction and transition from a member-led organization to a commercial enterprise,” Helen Hoehne, president of the HFPA, said in a statement. Ultimately, we’ve gotta say that if the celebs can still get wasted, then everything should be okay.

The HFPA Is Dead, Long Live Dick Clark’s Golden Globes