Here comes the new Zod, same as the old Zod. Michael Shannon is reprising his genocidal yet complex Kryptonian in The Flash. The DCU-founding film revisits the villain from Man of Steel as part of Barry Allen’s wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans. But Shannon didn’t find the experience as personally fulfilling the second time around. “I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t quite satisfying for me, as an actor,” he said in an interview with Collider. “These multiverse movies are like somebody playing with action figures.” Shannon called Man of Steel an “in-depth character study,” which might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said about that movie. “Whether people think that’s crazy or not, I don’t even care. I really felt like Man of Steel was actually a pretty sophisticated story,” he said. “I feel like The Flash is too, but it’s not Zod’s story. I’m basically there to present a challenge.”