Everyone’s two favorite Muppets, Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal, are no strangers to blockbuster franchises. Pascal has Game of Thrones and The Last of Us, while Isaac has Moon Knight and Across the Spider-Verse, and both are in the Star Wars universe. But Isaac would be more than willing to bring his bud into the world of web-slinging. When asked by British GQ whom he’d like to see join the Spider-Verse, Isaac immediately thought of Pascal. Speaking of Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Isaac said, “They’re so brilliant at finding the right person for the right character, but maybe Pedro Pascal. Let’s find something for him.”
Isaac also had an idea for what kind of Spidey Pascal should be. “He should be a Spider-Person, like a cranky, old Spider-Person.” Pedro Pascal, playing a lovable yet gruff older fella? You don’t say! Now, this is crazy, and I don’t want to freak you out, but what if Pascal’s cranky old Spider-Person was like a father figure? To a cute Spider-Tot with powers? Some sort of … Spider-Daddy? It’s just crazy enough to work. Get Avi Arad on the line!