Big Brother season 25 contestant Luke Valentine somehow managed to hit himself with a folding chair, getting booted from the show after casually dropping the n-word on the show’s 24-hour livestream. “Luke violated the ‘Big Brother’ code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house,” CBS told Variety.
In the clip, shared widely on social media, Valentine can be seen using the word to end the sentence “We were in the fucking cheese room.” Valentine then grimaces, restates the sentence now ending with “dude. After fellow contestants Jared Fields, Cory Wurtenberger and Hisam Goueli all give him the stink-eye, Valentine tries to say he was going to say “narwhal,” which he mispronounces as “narwhale.” The explanation did not go over well. CBS says that Valentine’s absence from the fucking cheese room will be addressed on Thursday’s episode.