John Higgins, Martin Herlihy, and Ben Marshall can easily convince big stars like Bad Bunny, Jenna Ortega, and Ana de Armas to join in their digital shorts on Saturday Night Live. In 2021, Taylor Swift paved the way for celebs to get a li’l sillier on a Saturday night by starring in their catchy sketch “Three Sad Virgins.” “We didn’t think that she would do it,” explained Higgins. “Dan Bulla, who wrote it with us, said, ‘We should have Taylor Swift do it.’ … She was immediately like, ‘Yes!’” Marshall added. “She was pitching more jokes making fun of us and we were like, ‘Hang on …’” Swift is a gal who loves comedy (“Anti-Hero,” anyone?), so it isn’t surprising that she was game to playfully roast three dudes on SNL. Remember her monologue from when she was 19? They’re lucky Swift didn’t have her guitar with her.