Pharrell Williams blurred lines between music and fashion at this year’s Paris Fashion Week. If you’ll recall, the producer succeeded the late Virgil Abloh as creative director of LV’s menswear section last year. On Tuesday, the fashion house’s men’s fall-winter show debuted not only clothing designs, but also Pharrell music. That included an updated version of an unreleased, previously leaked Miley Cyrus track known to fans as “Doctor” (and suspected to have been a leftover from recording sessions for her 2013 album Bangerz). “I could be your doctor, and I could be your nurse / I think I see the problem, it’s only gon’ get worse,” Cyrus sings. “A midnight medication, just show me where it hurts / I need to rock you baby, before your body bursts.” Models also walked to “Good People,” a Pharrell collab with Mumford & Sons that is now out as a single. (The band — now down an alt-right banjoist — even performed the track live at the after-show.) We also got to hear another unreleased track with a yet-to-be-identified male vocalist. Teasing new music at a fashion show … Rihanna, feel free to take notes.