1. For New York’s most recent cover story, Mark Harris, David Edelstein, Max Read, Andrea Long Chu, and others examined how a 1999 blockbuster predicted —and shaped — the world today (“The Matrix Is Everywhere,” February 4–17).
@stdondley tweeted, “I’ve been saying this for a while now: The Matrix has poisoned people’s minds. And now there’s an article that has concluded the same thing.” Talk Poverty’s S. E. Smith added, “It’s so bizarre that The Matrix, a world created by two trans women, has become such a touchstone for misogynistic garbage people.” Some readers felt we might have gone too far in our analysis, including commenter lkswodnawel, who wrote, “Can we just stop being so introspective about everything in this life, especially movies?” But Camila Gomez reflected, “Matrix will be forever one of my favorite movies. There are always new threads of meaning to discover that directly apply to the real world. And though I never considered it, much of it is owed to the wonderful performance of [Keanu] Reeves.”
2. In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, The Uninhabitable Earth, New York Magazine deputy editor David Wallace-Wells offered “The Cautious Case for Climate Optimism” (February 4–17) — with the caveat that even the best-case scenarios are alarming. The America Adapts podcast called it a “riveting, sobering, and ultimately hopeful article on climate change and the fate of the Earth.” But not everyone shared Wallace-Wells’s measured optimism. @Biodon300 tweeted, “Unfortunately, our evolutionary psychology works against us here. We are good at dealing with immediate threats, like predators, but not so good at long-term threats. History is full of past civilizations that failed because they didn’t take their warning signs seriously.” Reader Ari Shapiro responded, “Kudos on another brilliant piece by [David] Wallace-Wells. I appreciate his restrained optimism, yet all the massive bio-engineered or infrastructure projects are a bit pie-in-sky, no pun. We got here by billions of paper cuts over many years, so best to reverse this quagmire by billions of small behavioral changes. We need to focus myopically on the easy things we can all do: consumption, conveyance, convenience, consumerism.” And @darkwavenyc tweeted, “I recently saved enough [money] to quit my job and see natural sites (Yellowstone, etc.) before they become unrecognizably altered by climate change. What a world we live in today. I feel so sad for younger generations.”
3. Three months after the large-scale Google protests, Alex Morris questioned whether even the most privileged employees can create meaningful change in the tech world (“When Google Walked,” February 4–17). Organizer Meredith Whittaker responded, “A compelling read that … gives a nuanced take on the structural issues we’re working to change. While it highlights a handful of us, we need to be clear: This isn’t a hero story, this is the work of thousands together.” And Roisin Guerin replied, “The fix? By having role models & advocates stay, progress & help shape inclusivity at our companies, not find ways to silence them. Google walkout team, you have the respect & support of many people. Save what you love!” Former Googler Kathleen Grace added, “Reading about the women @google and reminded what an accomplished, intelligent group of people I worked with for 3 years. Now let’s hope they don’t stop raising the issue of systematic racism and sexism.”
4. For the cover of the Cut’s “Spring Fashion” issue, Allison P. Davis profiled the rising pop powerhouse Lizzo (“It’s Just a Matter of Time Till Everybody Loves Lizzo,” February 4–17). Plenty of readers made clear that they already love the multitalented performer: @faronheit tweeted, “Eventually my feed will just turn into a @lizzo fan account, but in the meantime here’s a joyous piece … that will make your day better.” The actress Jameela Jamil wrote, “Read this article … I dare you to not fall in love. All hail a leader.” Adam Carlson declared, “Lizzo profiled by Allison Davis is something out of my dream journal.” Others shared how her positivity changed them. @audreytward tweeted, “I was late to the @lizzo train, but after listening to her for just a short time, she’s changed how I think about myself, my body, my relationships, and how I present myself and react to the world. She’s so important.”
*This article appears in the February 18, 2019, issue of New York Magazine. Subscribe Now!