the approval matrix

The Approval Matrix: Week of April 26, 2021

Photo: gage skidmore/wikimedia (boehner); mclean center (lightfoot); gage skidmore/wikimedia (biden); u.s. department of labor (pelosi); u.s. secretary of defense (vaccine); david shankbone/wikimedia (bailey); louis garcia/picture alliance archive/alamy (rudin); hollywood foreighn press (trophy); Ioc media (olympics); h.b. lindsley (tubman); youtube (chauvin); table manners by anna park / half gallery (park); gordon parks (wright); tim wilson/wikimedia (whale); landscape by keltie ferris/mark woods (ferris); mimi lien/rendering by timothy leung(Lincoln Center); nasa/jpl-caltech (nasa); u.s. navy (slow burn); the village voice (logo); updatenerd/wikimedia (arclight); pictorial press ltd/alamy (prince); youtube/james charles (charles); twitter (butt injection); john angelillo/upi/alamy (yankees); super league (super league); damien mcfadden/anl/shutterstock (rabbit); robert frola/wikimedia (skydiver); courtesy of north brooklyn open space community coalition (barriers); whoisjohngalt /wikimedia (vaccination card); fusion media group (gawker); cbs (godwin); bleeker street media (helms); sarah shatz/hbo (winslet); Super festivals/wikimedia (burton); sullivanthepoet/wikimedia (town crier); marty jean-louis/alamy (curry); white claw (white claw); missvain/wikimedia (cosmopolitan); tiktok (seiss)
The Approval Matrix: Week of April 26, 2021